We are pleased to announce you that the all the record of the conference AG3: Online is re-launched in our website;
We have received a message from Jondi Keane, the co-organizer of the conference then, on the occasion of relaunching this long-awaited archival website below.
We hope this valuable resources could be used to enhance the Arakawa + Gins studies more and more!
About the launched the new AG3 archival site
It is with great pleasure we can announce that the AG3: Online―The Third international Arakawa and Gins Philosophy and Architecture Conference archival website is ready to be launched.
The new AG3 archival site found at:
Originally hosted by Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research and decommissioned in 2015, the GCSCR has kindly provided the original AG3 data to reconstruct an archival site. Although the interactive aspect of the site could not be retained, all the Keynote video presentations, Introductions, and Conference Stream presentations were preserved and faithfully reconstructed by Takeyoshi Matsuda from the Arakawa+Gins Tokyo Office, which will be housed on their web presence thanks to Momoyo Homma, director of Arakawa+Gins Tokyo Office and Reversible Destiny Foundation, NY.
The availability of these resources comes at a particularly important time when efforts to keep the Arakawa and Gins project going are being made: Gagosian Gallery commitment to show Arakawa’ s work, the translation of Architectural Body into Japanese (by Prof. Mimura, Kansai university) and plans for AG4 to be organized by Kansai University’ s Arakawa and Gins study group.
Jondi Keane
Associate Professor, Deakin University