Arakawa Shusaku “Next to the Last” (1966-67) Oil and acrylic on canvas 244 x 327 cm (2 panels, each 244 x 163.5cm)
Estate of Madeline Gins, Entrusted to Nagoya City Art Museum
Arakawa Shusaku (1936-2010), along with his partner, Madeline Gins (1941-2014), created numerous works including the “Site of Reversible Destiny – Yoro” and the “Reversible Destiny Lofts Mitaka,” engaging in activities that went beyond the framework of art. This exhibition introduces the early paintings of Arakawa Shusaku, who was from Nagoya and who is an essential figure in the museum’s collection, with works primarily entrusted by the Estate of Madeline Gins.