
Papier Plié 02: Correspondences between Shuzo Takiguchi and Shusaku Arakawa/Madeline Gins — Margin and Blank

しかし私は気ままに、頑固なほどに、文字でもなく絵でもない、ひとつの空所からの使いを愛しています。/その「空所」とはなにか。いまはもっぱらこの紙の上の線の軌跡が語るのにまかせましょう。 ―瀧口修造『余白に書く』みすず書房、1966年、42頁。 空虚[Void]、無[Nothingness]、空っぽ[Emptiness]、白紙[Tabula Rasa]、真空[Vacuum]。これらのどれひとつとして、私たちが「空白[Blank]」の観念によって示そうとすることをカバーできない。/まず第一に、開かれた状態を保つという意味で、「空白」は何よりも中立的な位置づけにある。「空白」は分化されないが、存在するものである。だから無ではない。「空白」は蓄積することができる。だから空虚ではない。「空白」はおそらく独自の作用法則を有する。したがって「空白」そのものは白紙ではない。「空白」は空っぽを満たすものである。「空白」は真空が何であるにせよ、真空を引き寄せたり、養いはするだろうが、真空と同一のものではない。 ―荒川修作/マドリン・ギンズ『SPACE AS INTENTION』ギャラリーたかぎ、1983年、英文のp. 1より訳出。 詩人、展覧会のオーガナイザー、美術批評家、造形作家と多様な活動を繰り広げた瀧口修造(1903–1979年)は荒川修作(1936–2010年)/マドリン・ギンズ(1941–2014年)と多くの書簡をやりとりしていた。両者の文面には多くの取り消し、書き直し、補記などが見られる。手書きの手紙という性質上、それらは単なる訂正の場合もあるだろうが、積極的な「余白[margin]」への介入、または「空白[blank]」の構築だと見ることもできるだろう。実際両者ともに自らの作品に取り消し、書き直し、補記を取り入れている。瀧口は「余白」という概念を、荒川/ギンズは「空白」という概念を作り上げた。瀧口は主に『余白に書く』を通して、荒川/ギンズは諸作品と『死なないために』(1988年)を通して。一見似ているこの二つの概念はどのように異なっているのだろうか。本シンポジウムにおいて、手紙を通して現れてくる瀧口-荒川/ギンズの諸問題、そして「余白」と「空白」について考える。 日時:2024年12月7日(土)13時–16時 場所:慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス 東館6階G-lab(キャンパスマップ⑬) 対象:どなたでもご参加いただけます。事前申込みは不要です。 タイムテーブル 【1部】 13:00–13:20:久保仁志 13:20–13:40:本間桃世、松田剛佳(荒川修作+マドリン・ギンズ東京事務所) 13:40–14:00:塚原史 14:00–14:20:桑田光平 【休憩】 14:20–14:40 【2部】 14:40–15:00:平倉圭 15:00–15:20:山本浩貴(いぬのせなか座) 15:20–15:30:八木宏昌(富山県美術館)「富山県美術館瀧口ルーム(展示室6)の紹介」 15:30–16:00:ディスカッション 登壇者/出演者 久保仁志|司会 桑田光平 塚原史 平倉圭 本間桃世、 松田剛佳(荒川修作+マドリン・ギンズ東京事務所) 山本浩貴(いぬのせなか座) 瀧口修造研究会メンバー 久保仁志(くぼ・ひとし) 慶應義塾大学アート・センター・アーキヴィスト。アーカイヴおよび具体的諸資料から出発し、それらが包含する様々な時空間的パースペクティヴを編集(モンタージュ)することで起こった出来事だけでなく起こりえた出来事について考えること、芸術作品における編集の観察・分析・構築を通して人間の経験の諸条件を可変的回路として設計し直す可能性を探求することに関心がある。 桑田光平(くわだ・こうへい) 東京大学大学院総合文化研究科教授。専門は現代フランス文学ならびに表象文化論。最新の著書として、二度のオリンピック期の東京を比較文化論的に論じた『東京時影(とうきょうじえい) 1964/202X』(共編著、羽鳥書店、2023)がある。現在、日本の現代詩のフランス語翻訳プロジェクトに参加中。 塚原史(つかはら・ふみ) 早稲田大学名誉教授、早大會津八一記念博物館前館長。専攻:ダダ・シュルレアリスム研究、現代思想。関連主著:『荒川修作の軌跡と奇跡』(NTT出版)、『反逆する美学』(論創社)、『ダダ・シュルレアリスムの時代』(ちくま学芸文庫)他。荒川修作と1993年以来交流があり没後2014年早大博物館で荒川修作展を開催。 平倉圭(ひらくら・けい) 1977年生。芸術学。横浜国立大学大学院都市イノベーション研究院Y-GSC准教授。ヴィクトリア大学ウェリントン客員研究員(2023-24年)。著書に『かたちは思考する──芸術制作の分析』(東京大学出版会、2019年)、『ゴダール的方法』(インスクリプト、2010年)ほか。 本間桃世(ほんま・ももよ) 荒川修作+マドリン・ギンズ東京事務所代表。Reversible Destiny Foundation(荒川+ギンズ財団、ニューヨーク)ディレクター。武蔵野美術大学卒業後、国際機関、NGOを通じて美術教育、中米・カリブ地域の美術研究、文化交流の仕事を続けるなか、1999年に荒川修作と出会う。2002年に荒川修作+マドリン・ギンズの東京事務所を開設、現在はニューヨークの財団ディレクターも兼務し2人の活動を多方面から支える。 松田剛佳(まつだ・たけよし) 荒川修作+マドリン・ギンズ東京事務所、三鷹天命反転住宅支配人。明治学院大学経済学部卒。2002年より荒川修作+マドリン・ギンズ東京事務所に参加。日本国内における荒川+ギンズに関わる展覧会や出版、三鷹天命反転住宅を使ったイベントの企画立案、建物運営などに携わる。 山本浩貴(やまもと・ひろき|いぬのせなか座) 1992年生。小説家/デザイナー/制作集団・出版版元「いぬのせなか座」主宰。小説や詩や上演作品の制作、書物・印刷物のデザインや企画・編集、芸術全般の批評などを通じて、生と表現のあいだの個人的な結びつき、または〈私の死後〉に向けた教育の可能性について検討・実践している。主な小説に「無断と土」(『異常論文』『ベストSF2022』)。批評に『新たな距離』(フィルムアート社)。デザインに『クイック・ジャパン』(159-167号)、吉田恭大『光と私語』(いぬのせなか座)。企画・編集に『早稲田文学』2021年秋号(特集=ホラーのリアリティ)。 ちらし:ダウンロード 関連イベント ⼿紙と漂流詩 2024年11月7日(木)–2025年2月11日(火)9:30–18:00(入館は17:30まで) 休館日:毎週水曜日、2024年12月29日–2025年1月3日、14日 *臨時開館・休館する場合があります。 会場:富山県美術館 主催:富山県美術館、慶應義塾大学アート・センター 協力:荒川修作+マドリン・ギンズ東京事務所、Reversible Destiny Foundation 詳細はこちら アート・アーカイヴ資料展 XXVII「交信詩あるいは書簡と触発:瀧口修造と荒川修作/マドリン・ギンズ」 2025年3月17日(月)–5月30日(金) 休館日:土日祝日 会場:慶應義塾大学アート・センター 主催:慶應義塾大学アート・センター 協力:富山県美術館、荒川修作+マドリン・ギンズ東京事務所、Reversible Destiny Foundation

“For Example (A Critique of Never)” at BAM Rose Cinemas

FOR Example (A Critique of Never)  Big Apple’s Littlest Bites: Coming of Age on Film in NYC BAM Rose Cinemas, Brooklyn Academy of Music 30 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11217 To commence at 3:45 pm on Nov 10, 2024 Purchase Tickets Here   The Reversible Destiny Foundation is happy to announce the screening of the 1971 film For Example (A Critique of Never) at BAM Rose Cinemas, Brooklyn, New York, as part of the series Big Apple’s Littlest Bites: Coming of Age on Film in NYC.  Directed by Arakawa, and written together with Madeline Gins, the feature-length film is a great example of their creative collaboration that gives insight into their early works. It premiered at the Whitney Museum of American Art in 1971, and bridged the New York conceptual art movement with the radical experimental film community of that period. In his book Film as a Subversive Art, film critic and historian Amos Vogel described it as “unquestionably a major work of the American Avant-Garde of the seventies”. As Arakawa describes it in a contemporaneous letter, “the young boy searches for ways to be in the world. He is abandoned and so must find out by himself. What he demonstrates after all is poetry

Open online lecture by Lucy Ives

THE SADDEST THING IS THAT I HAVE HAD TO USE WORDS A MADELINE GINS READER Open online lecture by Lucy Ives,edited the book titled “The Saddest Thing Is That I Have Had to Use Words: A Madeline Gins Reader” will be held on January 30, 2021. If you would like to join it, please check below’s URL and subscribe it. Outline:Open online lecture by Lucy IvesDate: Sunday, January 30, 2021Time: 10:00-12:00 JSTAdmission: freeLanguage: English *with Japanese interpretation

[Report] Yoro Art Picnic 2019

An event organized by Yoro Park, Gifu called “Yoro Art Picnic” was held on 2nd and 3rd of November, 2019. This is the third year of the event, and ARAKAWA+GINS Tokyo Office has participated as one of the organizers of this Yoro Art Picnic. Reversible Destiny Talk –Arakawa, Madeline, and Site of Reversible Destiny Yoro Park “How did Yoro’s Site of Reversible Destiny come about? This will be a valuable talk welcoming Shunkichi Baba who has a deep and friendly relationship with ARAKAWA + GINS both publicly and privately covering the stages of conception up to the subsequent housing construction and incomplete grand town-building. Wonder Tour @Site of Reversible Destiny Yoro Park “In this tour you will have an “”expedition”” into the Site of Reversible Destiny with Dr. Yoshiharu Sekino, explorer and anthropologist known for the “”Great Journey”” where he followed the approximately 53,000km path that the human race born in Africa used to cross all the way to the southern tip of the Americas. Architectural Tour: Discover the site of Reversible Destiny,YORO ! A tour where you will encounter various mysteries at Yoro Site of Reversible Destiny, led by Megumi Hirabayashi, who worked for 10 years as the exclusive

The Open lecture by Sheung Tang Luk at the Kansai University, Umeda Campus

Open lecture by Sheung Tang Luk, Projects manager, Reversible Destiny Foundation, who’s currently in Japan as a visiting scholar at Kansai University. Title: How to walk the Biotopological Scale-Juggling Escalator Date: Sunday, October 27 Time: 15:30-17:00 Venue: Kansai University (Umeda campus #601) Admission: free Language: English *with Japanese interpretation

The Open lecture by Sheung Tang Luk at the Kansai University

The Open lecture by visiting researcher  will be held on October 15, 2019 at the Kansai University, Sakae campus. There will be a keynote lecture, given by Sheung Tang Luk, Projects Manager, Reversible Destiny Foundation. For more information

Film screening + Discussion: For Example (A Critique of Never)

Sunday April 14, 4pm  Emily Harvey Foundation537 Broadway, 2nd FloorNew York, NY 10002 Free of charge One of two experimental films directed by Arakawa, For Example (A Critique of Never), 1971, closely follows its protagonist, a homeless boy, as he wanders the streets of downtown New York City. Shot in a documentary style, the camera observes every step of his examination of the constantly shifting relationship between his body and its surroundings. At the time of production, Arakawa and Madeline Gins were deeply engaged in research on the workings of the mind and the body in the process of perceiving the world. The film premiered at the Whitney Museum of American Art in 1972. The screening will be followed by a talk and Q&A with Andrew Lampert, an artist, archivist, and frequent writer on art and cinema. He will illuminate Arakawa’s film from the context of the late 1960s – 1970s experimental film scene.     Speaker Biographies: Andrew LampertAndrew Lampert has created an eclectic and extensive body of films, videos, photographs and performances since the late 1990s. He exhibits regularly with past shows including: The Whitney Museum of American Art (2006 Whitney Biennial), The Getty Museum, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, PS1/MoMA, The New York

Testing the Limits: Arakawa X Isamu Noguchi @ Christie’s New York

With their expansively imaginative works, New York-based artists of Japanese descent Arakawa (1936–2010) and Isamu Noguchi (1904–1988) both pushed artistic, conceptual, and ideological limits throughout their lives—from the line between art and design to the borders within cultural identities. This program invites Brett Littman, Director of the Isamu Noguchi Museum and Garden, in conversation with Miwako Tezuka, Consulting Curator of Arakawa and Madeline Gins’ Reversible Destiny Foundation, to discuss these artists’ kinship in genre-defying interests and activities. Sunday March 17, 2pm The Woods Room at Christie’s New York 20 Rockefeller Plaza New York, NY 10007 Free of charge Testing the limits of any one medium is a good way of going about testing the limits of the universe.  — Arakawa (ca. 1988) Speaker Biographies: Brett Littman has been the Director of the Isamu Noguchi Foundation and Garden Museum in Long Island City, New York since May 2018. He was the Executive Director of The Drawing Center from 2007–2018; the Deputy Director of MoMA PS1 from 2003–2007; the Co-Director of Dieu Donné Papermill from 2001–2003 and the Associate Director of Urban Glass from 1996–2001. His interests are multi-disciplinary and he has overseen more than seventy-five exhibitions and personally curated more

Thinking Collections: Field Meeting Take 6, Jan,24-26

FIELD MEETING Take 6: Thinking Collections by Asia Contemporary Art Week Hosted in collaboration with ACAW Consortium Partner, Alserkal Avenue Dubai, UAE | January 25 – 26, 2019 Curated by ACAW Director, Leeza Ahmady This year ACAW acclaimed annual art forum, FIELD MEETING, premier’s offsite for the first time in Asia, hosted at ACAW Consortium Partner, Alserkal Avenue in Dubai — the MENASA region’s foremost cultural destination and arts organization. FIELD MEETING Take 6: Thinking Collections will stage a dynamic string of pop-up exhibitions, performances, lecture-performances and discussions by noted multidisciplinary artists, thinkers and creative individuals from all regions of Asia (with a focus on East Asia) in the context of a large regional event, the Quoz Arts Festival. Ahmady’s conceptual framework for FIELD MEETING Take 6 investigates the rightful place of an artist in relationship to one of the most prominently used terms in the art-world today: “collection”. By taking on the task of decategorizing the word “collection” from the gripping talons of the ever-burgeoning global art market, the program aims to reveal and reclaim the artist as the first collector. To collect means to gather and accumulate something significant, whether tangible or not. In this light, artists gather everything, be they specific aspects

[Report] The 9th open research conference

The 9th open research conference was held on December 2, 2018 at the Kansai University (Osaka). There were two keynote lectures, given by Haruchi Osaki, artist, and Russell Hughes, Researcher, The University of Queensland. Haruchi Osaki, artist Russell Hughes, Researcher, The University of Queensland “Arts as an Agent of Scientific Transfiguration”

Call for participation in the 9th open research conference on December 2, 2018

The 9th open research conference will be held on December 2, 2018 at the Kansai University (Osaka). There will be two keynote lectures, given by Haruchi Osaki, artist, and Russell Hughes, Researcher, The University of Queensland. You can learn more about our activities @

[Report] Yoro Art Picnic 2018

An event organized by Yoro Park, Gifu called “Yoro Art Picnic” was held on 3rd and 4th of November. This is the second year of the event, and ARAKAWA + GINS Tokyo Office has participated as one of the organizers of this Yoro Art Picnic. We invited lecturers from Arakawa + Gins study group at Kansai University, and held a workshop which focused on activating the body with using the methods of mindfulness. Participants enjoyed the course specially arranged for the occasion, and experienced Site of Reversible Destiny with touching and moving. At other events, Yasuo Nakano, ex-curator at Taro Okamoto Museum of Art and Momoyo Homma, director of ARAKAWA + GINS Tokyo Office gave a lecture titled “Shusaku Arakawa and Taro Okamoto,” and talked about episodes of two artists. And a special tour of the site was given by Megumi Hirabayashi, ex-curator of Site of Reversible Destiny, and Takeyoshi Matsuda from the Tokyo Office, and participants walked around the site with the guidance. Talk event Architectural Tour Other than the above, IAMAS (Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences) has shown a digital media program “AR Art Picnic” at the site, and the artists group Nadegata Instant Party exhibited

[Report] The 8th open research conference

The 8th open research conference was held on September 18, 2018 at the Takachiho University (Tokyo). There were two keynote lectures, given by Russell Hughes, Researcher, The University of Queensland and Adrienne Hart, NEON DANCE. Russell Hughes, Researcher, The University of Queensland “TractatusCoordinologico-Bioscleavus: The Human Use of Being Human” Adrienne Hart, NEON DANCE “Reversible Destiny Theatre” Sebastian Reynolds, Music Composer

[Report] The 7th open research conference

The 7th open research conference was held on July 21 at the Kansai University (Osaka). There were two keynote lectures, given by art historian Reiko Tomii, and Toshiaki Minemura, emeritus professor, Tama Art University. Reiko Tomii, Art historian Toshiaki Minemura, emeritus professor, Tama Art University.

Call for participation in the 8th open research conference on September 18, 2018

The 8th open research conference will be held on September 18, 2018 at the Takachiho University (Tokyo). There will be two keynote lectures, given by Russell Hughes, Researcher, The University of Queensland and Adrienne Hart, NEON DANCE. You can learn more about our activities @

Call for participation in the 7th open research conference on July 21, 2018

The 7th open research conference will be held on July 21 at the Kansai University (Osaka). There will be two keynote lectures, given by art historian Reiko Tomii, and Toshiaki Minemura, emeritus professor, Tama Art University. You can learn more about our activities @

[Report] The 6th open research conference

The 6th open research conference of Arakawa and Gins study group on Kansai University hold on March 11, 2018 at Kansai University , which starts with the film screening of “For Example” (1971, Directed by Arakawa, written by Arakawa + Gins) , then having a keynote speech by Koyo Yamashita, Director Image Forum Festival. Thank you for your paticipating in the event ! Koyo Yamashita, Director, Image Forum Festival Koyo Yamashita (Director Image Forum Festival) × Junji Hori (Kansai University) × Takeshi Kadobayashi (Kansai University)

Call for participation in the 6th open research conference on March 11, 2018

The 6th open research conference will be held on March 11 at the Kansai University (Osaka), which starts with the film screening of “For Example” (1971, Directed by Arakawa, written by Arakawa + Gins) , then having a keynote speech by Koyo Yamashita, Director Image Forum Festival. Please keep you posted on our activities @

[Report] The 5th open research conference

On December 17, 2017, the 5th open research conference organized by the Arakawa+Gins Study Group of Kansai University was held at Toyo University, starting with the screening of the film For Example (1971, directed by Arakawa, written by Arakawa+Gins) , followed by keynote lectures by Professor Kei Hirakura (Yokohama National University) and architect Shingo Tsuji. Film screening of “For Example” (1971, Directed by Arakawa, written by Arakawa + Gins) Kei Hirakura, Yokohama National University Shingo Tsuji, Architect Kei Hirakura × Shingo Tsuji × Takeshi Kadobayashi

[Report] YORO Art Picnic

Thank you for participating the special talk & tour @ Site of Reversible Destiny Yoro-Park (YORO ART PICNIC) on November 18 & 19, 2017 PechaKucha@Yoro Art Night with Kato Shii